Risk reports
The University template for reporting on risk has been developed with a view to limiting the report on each risk to a single page and focusing only on the key information.
- Download the risk report template [last updated August 2022]
Schools and Non-School Institutions are required to use the template when preparing their institutional risk registers. Other institutions (Departments, Faculties etc.) are also encouraged to make use of the template in order to provide a common framework for assessing risk across the University.
Summary risk register
The University template for producing a summary risk register is provided below.
- Download the summary risk register template [last updated August 2022]
This summary should accompany the more detailed risk reports provided above.
Bowtie analysis
A bowtie analysis can be used to support the risk identification and assessment process, to underpin preparation of the risk reports above. Please contact the risk management team if you would like further guidance in using this tool.
Risk scoring
Guidance on how to determine scores for impact and likelihood are provided below, to assist risk owners and managers in assessing their risks in a way that is consistent across the University.
A 5 x 5 scale for impact and likelihood is used, with the combined scores ranging from 1 to 25. Risk scores are indicative, and can be plotted on the heatmap shown in the scoring guidance to determine the severity of the risk and indicate the overall risk status.
Tracking controls and mitigating actions
A simple template that could be used for tracking controls and further mitigating actions is provided below.