Meet the members of the Governance and Compliance Division team. Contact details for the staff of the GCD are available to members of the University with raven accounts here.
Regina Sachers: Director of Governance and Compliance Division
The Director of GCD oversees the running of the University's governance arrangements and supports the Council and its committees. The office is also responsible for statutory and regulatory compliance (including information compliance, risk management and continuity planning, emergency management, audit and value for money), and oversight of the student unions.
Office hours: full-time
Karen Cheung & Andrea Temple: Administrators
The Administrators deal with many regular and adhoc requests to support the teams within GCD. These include; assisting the Information Compliance Team in handling requests for information under data protection legislation and the Freedom of Information Act; supporting the University Draftsman and the Reporter Team with proof-reading; dealing with Sealing requests; supporting assurance activities undertaken by GCD, including monitoring assurance process relating to the Office for Students and following up on internal audit actions; supporting the Executive Assistants to the Pro-Vice-Chancellors and other members of the Senior Leadership Team; and all manner of general office/administrative duties. We can be contacted on or, for Sealing enquiries,
Office hours: full-time
Caroline Abbot: Deputy Head of Assurance
I deputise for, and work alongside, the Head of Assurance on all aspects of assurance, regulatory compliance, internal activities and risk management carried out within the Division. This includes mapping out the University's internal control environment, to provide visibility over key areas of activity, sources of assurance and responsibility; supporting Internal Audit processes; coordinating the annual Head of Institution Assurance Statements and reports; monitoring and reporting on compliance with the Office for Students' Conditions of Registration; and acting as a key point of contact for matters relating to compliance, assurance and Internal Audit.
Office hours: full-time
Zoe Allwood: FOI Manager
As FOI Manager, I manage the casework for requests received under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I also assist the Head of Data Protection and Information Compliance with some data protection work and service or assist with some committees that fall under the remit of the Division.
Office hours: full-time
Elle Bateman: Head of Assurance
I am responsible for determining the strategic direction, policy development and overall administration of the University's assurance activities and risk management process. I ensure that the University collaborates efficiently and effectively with the outsourced internal audit function (provided by Deloitte LLP) and manage the University's obligations in a number of areas of regulatory compliance, including risk management. I offer training on the University's risk management process, and am the primary point of contact for internal audit, risk management and the University's Audit Committee.
Office hours: full-time
Ceri Benton: University Draftsman
The University Draftsman is responsible for ensuring the enactment of changes to the Statutes and Ordinances of the University resulting from the approval of matters by the Regent House, the Council and other bodies. Most of my duties flow from that responsibility, from the administration of ballots and the circulation of papers to the Council’s Business Committee, which approves items for publication in the Reporter on behalf of the Council. I can offer advice on the drafting of amendments to the Statutes and Ordinances and their presentation in the form of Reports, Graces and Notices, and on the procedure and timetable for their approval.
I'm the first point of contact for enquiries about drafting or amending trust fund regulations, liaising with the Legal Services Division as appropriate. I also provide administrative support to the Standing Appointments Committee (which approves appointments in the UAS at Grade 10 and above).
Office hours: full-time
Alistair Bochel: Governance Manager
Responsible for servicing the Committee on Benefactions and External and Legal Affairs (CBELA), the committee which scrutinises engagements between the University and external parties in relation to reputational risk. Also leads on the development of University-wide policies and their implementation, and manage strategic projects.
Office hours: full-time
Julia Copson: Clerk of the Roll of the Regent House
Working as part of the Draftsman’s and Reporter Offices, I update the University’s Statutes and Ordinances from the weekly Reporters each term and proof read it ahead of its annual publication at the start of the academic year. I maintain records for the Roll of the Regent House, advise on eligibility for Regent House membership, and check the Roll for its publication in draft format each 1 October and for its final promulgation for the academic year in early November. I also compile the Fellows Reporter, annual Faculty Membership lists, and Officers Part I (University Officers) and Officers Parts II and III (Members of University bodies) Special editions of the Reporter.
Office hours: full-time
Jo Craigwood: Head of Governance Support Services
I manage the governance support services team within the division, which provides secretary services to a number of central committees. I and my team also manage governance-related projects, such as drafting policies, guidelines, terms of reference and reports. I serve as Secretary to the Estates Committee and to the Information Services Committee (ISC) and I lead on committee support for the Committee for Benefactions, External and Legal Affairs (CBELA).
Office hours: part-time (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday)
Emma Dollard: Governance Manager
I support the Finance Committee and act as Secretary to the Cambridge University Endowment Trustee Body. I also support related project work.
Office hours: full-time
Clara East: Head of Business Continuity
I support incident management and continuity planning in the University. I provide guidance to institutions on effective planning, including in relation to specific threats/incidents as necessary, report annually to central Committees on the status of local incident management and business continuity plans and offer further assistance as needed. I am also Support Officer to the University’s tactical response team, the Silver Team. This involves facilitating meetings and seeing through actions, maintaining up to date protocols and tools to support the Team’s work, arranging desktop exercising and ensuring that a fully trained back-up support team is in place. I am also Secretary to two Committees, the University’s Honorary Degree Committee and the University and Colleges’ Joint Committee (UCJC) (co-Secretary with the Head of the Office of Intercollegiate Services (OIS)). As part of my UCJC role, I work closely with colleagues at the OIS to facilitate information sharing between the University and Colleges.
Office hours: full-time
Caroline Evans: Governance Manager
I support the Estates Committee and am Secretary to the Health and Safety Executive Committee and the Estates Committee's Space Management Sub-Committee. The role also includes development implementation of University-wide policies and management of strategic projects.
Office hours: full-time
Emma Frampton: Governance Manager
I support the General Board, the body responsible for the academic and educational policy of the University. I also act as Secretary to the Societies Syndicate and its Technical Committee.
Office hours: full-time
Tara Grant: Administrative Officer and Reporter Editor
Working principally on the Cambridge University Reporter, Statutes and Ordinances, the University Governance site, my day is usually spent liaising with individuals across the University and Colleges on matters concerning content. As a member of the team in the Draftsman's office I work closely with Ceri, Julia and Delrene as we attempt to meet our many looming deadlines. In addition to our publication-centred tasks we have a number of other responsibilities, including facilitating and recording University Discussions, maintaining various websites and determining the eligibility of certain University officers for Cambridge degrees under Statute B II 2.
Office hours: full-time
James Knapton: Head of Data Protection and Information Compliance
As Head of Data Protection and Information Compliance, I am the University’s lead on all matters relating to information legislation (principally the UK General Data Protection Regulation, the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000). I provide advice, training and guidance to members of University staff, manage data breaches and requests for information and personal data under the relevant legislation, and oversee policy in these areas. I also carry out various other functions, in particular with regard to the Prevent Duty and freedom of speech, as part of the wider work of the Division.
Office hours: full-time
Richard Sellens: Assurance & Regulatory Compliance Manager
I am responsible for the operational management of internal audit activity and the Head of Institution assurance statements, acting as a first point of contact for departments and colleagues across the University. Additionally, I monitor assurance processes relating to regulatory compliance, such as the Office for Students Conditions of Registration.
Office hours: full-time
Angela Stratford: Governance Manager
I support the University Council, the principal executive and policy-making body of the University. I also support the Information Services Committee which has general oversight of the University strategy for Information Services.
Office hours: full-time
Anna Ulyanova: Council Secretariat Administrator
I upload Council papers and maintain other Council content within the University governance website, as well as helping organise the arrangements for Council meetings. I am also responsible for a variety of other tasks, including acting as Clerk to the Advisory Committee on Committee Membership and External Nominations (ACCMEN). Using the Cambridge Committees Database I take responsibility for keeping Council appointed memberships current. I prepare all ACCMEN material for circulation and meetings. I also support the Council Committee for the Supervision of the Student Unions (CCSSU).
Office hours: full-time
Rowena van Asselt: Risk and Assurance Manager
I am responsible for the overall administration of the University's risk management processes, working with colleagues across the University as the main point of liaison for risk management. I also provide high-level support to the Head of Assurance in relation to the administration of the Audit Committee and the work of the internal auditors.
Office hours: full-time
Tom Yates: Deputy Head of Data Protection and Information Compliance
As Deputy Head of Data Protection and Information Compliance, I work on all matters relating to information legislation as well as the Prevent Duty and freedom of speech.
Office hours: full-time